102nd Street. Back On the Job!

After almost two months of burdening w'Note with the tedious job of coloring, Page 102 marks my return and the resuming of my responsibility of coloring SKOOKUM! It feels good to be back, just that it took a while for me to get used to the WACOM again. In a way I miss it... I think it has a lot to do with me not touching for two months. But once again, thanks to w'Note for taking on the coloring during the time when I buried up to my neck with papers and examinations. Thanks man!
The school semester have officially ended for now, and I must say I have known quite a lot of interesting people both in class. Being in a graduating class somehow has a whole new meaning altogether. People don't usually know each another well during college, unless of course, if they had went to the same High School or they knew each other before they entered collegue. Generally, it is HARD to make good friends in a college; there are so many different classes going on, people having totally different schedule from on another and so on. It is only when one reaches the graduating class that one finally well, start to form strong friendships. There are 49 students in this year's graduating class, and we see each another practically everyday for the same lessons.
Somehow, you recognize who are the people who belong to your academic circle, and that is a start, really. In a way, it is also frustrating, since come next semester, most of us will be working on our respective Honors Theses, which means we'll probably have less time to see each other, and to have lunches and so on.
There is a regular pattern in this that I find so frustrating- just when you are really starting to make good friends, it is time to say goodbye, and move on. Of course, truly strong friendships last no matter which circle you move on to, yet, there is still a need to feel the tension of departure and the unpleasant process of saying goodbye. Thinking back, I wonder how many goodbyes I have said....
The temporality of experience, it perhaps what makes it a human experience. Eternity is not meant for mankind. It is through transcience that we learn our place, and learnt to appreciate life for all its temporal, but always so magnificent gifts...
Have a good one guys!
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