110th Street. Can A Vampire and A Werewolf have Sex? Ever?

I have just watched "Underworld:Evolution."
It was not a fantastic movie, but I watched it for 2 reasons, one, I did enjoy the first movie, "Underworld" and I'm a huge werewolf fan. What was really upsetting about Underworld:Evolution is that it is not so much a movie about Werewolves VS Vampires, rather, it is really more like a very fast-paced, noisy lesson in evolutionary biology. The director is simply obsessed with inter-species sex!
And it goes like this:
[ "+" here symbolizes sex or any act that involves mutual shooting of DNA.]
Vampire + Vampire = Vampire.
Werewolf + Werewolf = Werewolf (I think)
Werewolf + Human = Human.
Vampire + Human = Human
Vampire (bites) Human = Death
Werewolf (bites) Human = Werewolf.
Werewolf + Vampire = Hybrid???
Werewolf (bites) Vampire = Death
Vampire (bites) Werewolf = Pain
Vampire + Werewolf (bites) Human = Hybrid of Vampire and Werewolf
Hybrid + Vampire = ???
Hybrid + Werewolf = ???
This list goes on. No, I am not dissing the director for dealing with this rather difficult topic, and I am glad he attempted to make a movie on this. But the movie misses the point! The last GOOD movie that dealt with the problem of Vampires and Werewolves is "Van Helsing" starring Hugh Jackman in the title role. Underworld:Evolution is simply a movie that is too concerned with the politics of sex that it forgets what the Werewolf and the Vampire stand for!
Vampires, in my opnion, represents the Rich, the cultured and basically is an allegory for the Cruel Upper Class in society. They have money, awesome technology, drink red wine and basically collects antiques. Werewolves represent the Poor, the Sexually Strong, Rough, Rude and Uncultured, and they are basically an allegory for the Lower Working Class. They live in poor conditions, and rely on their teeth and claws to get what they want. They represent the REPRESSED aspect of society - Everyone wants to be more cultured, richer and more sophisticated these days, and they begin to despise everything that is remotely animalistic or carnal or hairy which is what the Werewolf has come to represent.
This Upper Class Oppression and Lower Class Resistance is, to me at least, a good material to work with, and yet, the director chooses to focus on the really odd sex life of these supernatural beings, which is weird for me to start with... Clearly, like most movies these days, Underworld:Evolution goes for Style not Substance. Everyone in the movie, even the werewolves have a distinct way of walking! Put all of them on a runway with any Top Models you can find and you won't be able to tell the difference. Which, is cool in one way, but also disappointing as well.
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