115th Street. We Are Not Judging You.

I cannot tell you how excited I am to have new web interface up for the SKOOKUM! Index page. It took me process of getting all the colors and effects right was rather painful, but thankfully, the result was well worth the pain I endured. Of course, I must take this chance to thank w'Note for enduring a full 30-minutes with me as we decided the right fonts to be used for the interface. Thanks again w'Note!
Not many of you know but this picture is actually inspired by the namecard w'Note designed for me. From the moment I saw the name card, i knew that I MUST create a picture that will recreate this magical wonder - a wonder that can only be brought about when these three (rather) unusual colors are blended together.
It may come across a little strange that all the characters (other than Chiriko) are looking at YOU. Yes, it is YOU they are looking it, and it is the same YOU who's reading this blog. The characters are not looking at YOU in a way that they are judging you, they are not. They are merely taking notice of OUR presence. Just as how you are looking into THEIR lives, they too wish to know a little about YOUR life.
People, more often than not, like to pass judgement. They judge people even before they fully know how the person is like. I do it all the time, and sometimes I wish I'd go easier on people and give them a chance to prove themselves. I want this picture to remind me not to judge people the way I have always done, until of course, they pass judgement on themselves!
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