Torn Between Duties

Page 93 has been penciled and inked, what's left is the tedious part of coloring. There are times when it is exciting to balance college and web-manga drawing, but there are times when it can reach a unmanageable level. Well, I think it just did. College in Senoir Year is unlike any other year. It seems that every other guy/girl is dying to get into Graduate School, and they are trying all kinds of ways to make sure they are the star undergrad of the year. Some people even resort to personal attacks, they try to put you down, so you will forever live in the illusion that they are better than you are. Those Fuckers...
In happier news, I have been (as usual) surfing the Internet a bit, and I stumbled upon this webcomic called "FAIL" by Nate Wootters. The drawing's average, but this guy has an unusal talent for humor. Check it out here:
The photo above is taken from his site, where he pokes fun at the description behind a packet of dog food. I liked it so much that I have decided to put it here; so as to give you a taste of his humor.
That's all for now... back to my readings.
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