The once magnificent and influential Buzzcomix maakes a comeback after an absence of over 3 months.... It used to be the top of its game till its disappearence that many webcomics (SKOOKUM! included) left the system and signed up under other Webcomics voting sites like Top WebComics and Webcomics List.
This time Buzzcomix returns with a Version 3.0, will it reclaim the title to its former glory as THE voting site webcomics desire to be on? Or have they simply, moved on?
Only Time will tell. Check it out at, and don't forget to VOTE for SKOOKUM!
Below, is the opening note by the Buzz Boss:
Welcome to buzzComix v3.0!
BuzzComix has been through a lot in the past 3 months - and no one knows it better than you guys. I've had some frustrating times these last couple months, but I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been for you guys - with little explanation and so much downtime. There was actually a week where I was very close to just throwing up my hands and closing shop.
But you guys were there to encourage me and keep me going. I'd specifically like to thank Fuitad and Threeboy for encouraging me to continue. It was with the buzzComix community in mind that I endevoured to code buzzComix v3.0.
It was clear the old system wasn't working. My old host would shut down the site without any warning and had very little information on how to fix the site. Then all the databases of the site disappeared with no explanation. It was clear that the host wasn't going to work out in the long run.
When I made the decision to switch to a new host and code version 3.0 (instead of just give up), a number of things were clear. The site would have to be 100% rewritten. BuzzComix was the first website I'd ever designed and the coding showed it. The backend was very amatuerly written and poorly designed. It was also clear that I had to automate EVERYTHING. When somebody (namely me) had to manually reset the list, or add ads to the ad cycle, or reset passwords - I would inevitable get lazy and things would get left undone. I had to make sure everything would be automated in version 3.0 to ensure that the site's quality never wavered.
Lastly it was clear I would have to overcome a major hurdle to get webcomics to return to buzzComix is the numbers they used to. Many had justifiably gotten very frustrated with the spotty service and left buzzComix for lower caliber toplists. I decided to win back the audience in three ways. First, only the best quality. When I re-wrote the page I made sure the code was 100% perfect. Every feature was watertight and rock-steady. I also realized I would need to compensate my users for the spotty service and nearly 3 months of downtime. So I gave everyone 3 months of Premium Membership. Thirdly I wrote in a number of new, cutting-edge features. This is not the first time buzzComix has had to face some discouraging odds - but everytime it has, it has overcome by being the best and offering features no other toplist had. This is why I added groups, automated advertising, gift certificates, enhanced avatars, improved FAQ, group searching, jumped Fav*s, and buzzBux.
So all I ask is that you give buzzComix another chance. This is literally a fresh-start for buzzComix and I hope you all come along for the ride.
EDIT: Obviously there will be a few kinks to be worked out these first few days, so bare with us
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