116th Street. Human Life Is Pure Chaos....
Everything's going pretty well this week with SKOOKUM! and Morning Glory getting back on schedule - I feel good about that. However, it didn't really last for long.
A few days back, as I was trying to finish up SKOOKUM! and Morning Glory, a few of my friends called. One was asking me why didn't I like call him during the holidays for some drinks or something. I was like, I wanted to call, but I have lots of things at my hands right now. And he asks, "like what?". I was a little lost for words, as I knew he didn't think very much about SKOOKUM! and he feels that it is more important to socialize than work on something that has apparently no value.
So, I told him that I was kinda busy with some write-up I had to do for the comic company I was freelancing for (which I was, a few days back). He then asked me if there's a party coming up, and i told him yes, and that I will organize it. It happens that one of our friends are going away for a year for specialized military training and we just wanted to wish him all the best. And I had to put down everything I was working on and call all of my friends and telling them about the party. The thing is this, it is not easy organizing a part for 23 people, especially if everyone has got like diverse schedules and stuff like that. In the end of course it worked out and we settled on a date.
Not long after, I received a text message from another friend who asked me if I would like to catch a movie with her. She asked me once and I turned her down, and I had to turn her down again 'cause I seriously needed to get the pages done! So, I turned her down the SECOND time. And, I could tell that she was hurt! She said, "I thought you were always free on weekdays", Yes, but this week is an exception, I 've got a lot going for the website and I wanted to put some genuine effort into this. At the same time, I felt rotten turning her down. I made a promise that I wouldn't turn her down again. But I can't get rid of that unpleasant feeling of turning her down twice.
I was asking myself several times this week (yeah, I turned on my Indie Rock collection again*),if it's worth it? Sacrificing time with friends for SKOOKUM!? I know SKOOKUM! is what I must do... but I don't want my friends to think I'm like avoiding them all summer or something, which I am not! If anyone of you whom I know personally reads this, please I just want you to know that I NEED to finish SKOOKUM!, at the same time, I like you no less just because I'm working on my art. Please understand. Thank you!
* I was listening to Alexi Murdoch's "Orange Sky"
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