126th Street. Nick McDonell - Some People DO Get Everything.

A few days ago, I picked up a novel, entitled TWELVE by a young author by the name of Nick McDonell. Maybe that was a mistake.
A mistake not because the book was bad, in fact, the book was FABULOUS. Precisely because the book's so good that I was horrified to learn that the author of the book is only 17 years-old. It gets better. Nick McDonell is currently attending Harvard - pretty much the BEST college in the United States. He's RICH 'cause his father's Terry McDonell, the Managing Editor of "Sports Illustrated". And Nick, I must add, looks like a freakin' MODEL.
This guy has pretty much EVERYTHING going for him. Wealth, intelligence, connections, talent and fame. We feel good when we see Paris Hilton, 'cause we all know deep inside she's as hollow as emptied salt shaker. However, how can we possibly come to terms with when we encounter someone like Nick McDonell? It just accentuates the fact that life is TERRIBLY UNFAIR, and that there are people who have everything is on their way to getting MORE. It's not surprising that McDonell’s fellow underage novelist Marty Beckerman called his writing “self-serving swill from a rich kid with connections.” No doubt, Beckerman's JEALOUS.... but aren't we all...?
Yes, Nick McDonell, now 21 years old, and a junior at Harvard, is about to release his second novel - " The Third Brother". It's just gonna get better for him. The New York Metro writes,
"Don't Hate Him Because He's Young, Good-Looking, Privileged, Impeccably Connected, and About to Publish His Second Novel"
And I say, shouldn't we?
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