
I have gotten the precious precious precious iPod nearly two weeks ago, but it took me a while to find the image above, which is taken from the website of a very talented freelance Japanese illustrator who likes to be known as Miyahan. He is the owner of Miyahan's Web World, which consists exclusively the games he wrote, pictures he taken and more importantly, the illustration he produces. He produces some really really good works, which includes Anime illustrations so good that they are no different from those produced by the animation studios. Check out his Web World at:
Incidentally, I am using his wallpaper (not this, but another one!) as my Desktop picture, seriously, it looks good. The catch is however, that the entire site's in Japanese, so some knowledge of the language would be more than useful.
But I digress...
Back to my iPod... well, what can I say except I LOVE IT SO MUCH! There's something about the iPod that enchances to quality of the songs it plays. As if it contains some intelligent chip that recognises if a song requires more bass or tremble, and adjusts accordingly. I may seem to be exaggerating, but I am not! I feel for some reason, songs tend to sound better and more importantly, clearer when played through an iPod compared to a discman.
Although I am an Apple User/Fanatic/Supporter, I was thinking that maybe the other MP3 players have the same characteristics as well, namely, the ability to enahnce to listening pleasure of the user. It is certainly a must for me these days. Then again, it is scary that we are attaching so much emotions to inanimate electronic things! As I believe, we may really be entering the age of Posthumanism, where we start assigning identities to entitites.... We treat our personal computers like our closest kin, and we cannot pass each day without having some form of contact with an electronic device.
The electronic device has therefore assumed the role of a human being, and in fact, it has become capable of providing more joy than a human being (at times). Posthumanism is not a myth, it is already here; and I think we should embrace it, especially when we have advanced to a stage that it is no longer impossible to deny the integral part computers and devices have in our puny human lives.
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