95th Street

Before I start, I must say that it was definitely NOT easy for me to churn out this page. Well, in fact it was pretty difficult, considering that I still have a novel not read and that I am presenting on four texts to my professor tomorrow as well. The important thing is, that I do something for SKOOKUM! At least that is off my mind, for now. I don't want anyone to think that SKOOKUM! is stopping in any way, it will not stop till it reaches the end of the story.
The past two weeks had been particularly eventful, in a sense that it had robbed me of all time to catch a proper breather. Part of the delay of Page 95 was due to the Webcomic Telethon, which, thankfully has ended with a nice satisfying bang. There's so much I wanna share with you guys about, but time is working against me. All I can say now, is that, please don't lose hope in SKOOKUM! It may be slower now, but slowly and surely, the story will unfold, as it had already began unfolding. I will try my very very best to get a page up a week.
Till then. Thanks for reading - that itself is the greatest gift you have for me. Have a good one guys!
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