94th Street (persistence)

September 6th, 2005
It is time at last for another update! If you must know I had sacrificed an entire night’s sleep just do get all the proper coloring done. Things have been going rather tough lately, but I guess it will be all right as long as you guys enjoy the page. That, I think is what gives me the most satisfaction, and that too is what made me carry on.
I was having a conversation with a friend the other day as we were in discussion over our texts in the student lounge. He asked me if I am still carrying on my webcomic drawing. Of course I am (as all you guys can clearly see). He proceeded asking if it is wise at all to carry on drawing despite the fact that the semester had grown so much tougher. I was immediately on the defensive, but I chose to look at this argument in two ways. I replied that, even though I am drawing, I am drawing much less, and I will never compromise my schoolwork for my webcomic; even though both are objects of my passion.
My friend’s enquiry put me into a lot of doubt. For he has a point that the time used up for SKOOKUM! could definitely be used to read or re-read all the other readings I have for class. I may even read ahead and hence gain a better understanding of the lesson. Why do I have to struggle weekly just to balance both things? My friend is putting forth a clever suggestion that in sacrificing webcomic drawing, I may ultimately do much better for the Honors degree and gain a better chance to get into a better Graduate School.
Sounds logical.
The question remains then, why did I choose to continue on with SKOOKUM!? I understood the rationale of my friend’s proposition, and I think it is logical that I give SKOOKUM a time-out. However, I feel that I have a better reason why I should keep SKOOKUM! going. You see, I don’t want to graduate like 1000 other students with just a degree with Honors; and all that you got out of school life, summed up by the neat scroll in your hands. There is so much more to college life, and I don’t think a sterling degree is everything. I want to know that other than what I learnt, I have created something in the midst. I have the chance to create and to EXPRESS something, I have called my own, and best of all, I have had the opportunity to share it with the world. That is the kind of memory I wish to have, together with the neat scroll in my hands.
College is a time of opportunity, and if one does nothing but bury oneself in books and nothing else, one is basically losing the one important chance in life to find out what one is good at other than writing scholarly reports, and boasting to others. If the exploration is not done now, there may no longer be a better time.
Later guys!
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