93rd Street (Tuesday and Friday)

All of you must know by now that SKOOKUM! will be updated twice a week, specifically on Tuesday and Friday. At the same time regular readers will also have realised that for the past month or so, that had not been the case, meaning, SKOOKUM! had only been updated ONCE a week, either on a Tuesday or a Friday. I have been meaning to apologise and appeal to your higher reason to understand that I do have quite a lot of things at hand that required my attention.
Now, being in my senior year, I do find the task of updating twice a week extremely taxing on me. Reason being that college has just become so much tougher due to the fact that I am now in my senior year. I have long heard about the horrors of being in the senior year; that people tend to lose every ounce of free time they have to the unreasonable amounts of readings that is to be done. While, that is certainly an exaggeration, what is true is that I DO have tons of readings to do, not to mention tons of essays to write.
I intend to take a week off SKOOKUM! while to see to the fact that I finish all of my readings as well as read ahead so to ensure that I get to dedicate more time in the completion of a page. Well, actually, I already did… noting that there was no update last week! Well, I have to take another week off, just to ensure that I am on firm ground with my classes and research. And I will try to promise that Page 94 will come up better and more enjoyable, given that I now have more time to work on it. Well, I know it is never a nice thing to keep readers waiting a week later just for one page. It is a bad idea and most readers will tend to be put off rather than impressed by it. Which makes me feel that the chief antithesis of webcomics is College itself! Then again, maybe it is just me, for I can’t decide which is more important to me: My Work or My Education?
By the by, I do hope you enjoy Page 93! As you can see, I have grown more adjusted to the tablet, I am not entirely fluent at using it yet, but I sorta figured out how to use it to create better lightings and effects. For once I did enjoy the entire coloring process! I can’t wait to experiment with other coloring techniques that I hope will sit comfortably with all of you! The sad thing or course is that Yoruki has gone anti-social yet again!
Later guys!
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