This is the Official Blog of SKOOKUM! the online manga. In this blog you'll find news, blogs and all kinds of strange information relating to SKOOKUM! as well as of its creators.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Yes, I am still here.

I am absolutely sorry about the silence this whole week, and no, I'm not gone or kidnapped or anything, and to reasssure you, I have decided to put a posting.

It's just that I have been so terribly busy this whole week! With presentations and recitations and so on! Currently, I am doing a course on Modern Japanese and Asian Literature. I realize it is not easy understanding these texts since they are coming from a very different cultural perspective. At times these texts are extremely anti-Westerm, so models of Western literary citicism doesn't really apple to them at all.... yes, the struggle continues!

Page 94 is almost ready, and all I really need to do is to color it up and it will be ready for upload!

In the meantime, all you, be nice and take care



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