The Webcomic Telethon by Blank Label Comics

For TWO days only The folks over at Blank Label Comics ( a webcomic group) have decided to run a charity drive with contributions from webcomics artists to raise as much money as possible for the American Red Cross in aid for the victims of Hurrican Katrina.
Webcomic artists contribute one page strips or comics in hope that it will motivate viewers and readers a like to make a minimum donation of $5. This is not the first time the webcomic community had stepped up to offer their help for a good cause.
The most memorable event occured no more than 4 months ago, when readers and creators of the webcomic community raised a startling total of $34,000 to save the debt stricken organisers of Connecticon. Let's hope the response will be as spectacular this time round.
As I type this a total of $2,300 have been raised over a period of 8 hours, to read the participating webcomics, or if you wish to make a $5 donation, please go to:
Yes, readers, I TOO had contibuted a comic. HOWEVER, I was a little late in submitting it to BLC... so they may not have it up after all. That however, is not important, what's most important is that readers and viewers contribute generously for a good cause.
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