97th Street (Enya's NEW Album - Amarantine)

Thanks to w'Note's help SKOOKUM! is back on schedule again; though it is no longer the two updates a week schedule, like we had before, it is really something to get like one fully colored page a week. In this week, like most readers of SKOOKUM! had kinda foresaw, the friction between Junko and Yoruki intensifies, and yes, you can be sure that neither party are holding back their bitterness and anger.
In happier news, my idol Enya is FINALLY releasing her 7th album - AMARANTINE. What you see is the exclusive cover of the album which is scheduled for release this November. It takes Enya 4 - 5 years to produce ONE album, most fans would have lost interest, but not Enya fans. We love her precisely because she takes so much care and love to produce each and every album. To hear the release of a new album from her is like a red letter day for all of us. The wait is ALWAYS worth it. And by the looks of the cover and the Persian inspired name, I believe I can expect a very different Enya this time round.
The letter you see is a letter from Roma Ryan, the lady responsible for writing most of the lyrics to Enya's songs, she KNOWS all of Enya's fans are waiting for this special moment, and she is especially nice to post a very special handwritten letter to all of us. I cannot express how happy I am to hear this news, for it has been a full year or so since I heard anything new from Enya; the last being her Japanese song "Sumiregusa". This is news indeed. I wish I could do something special on the SKOOKUM! site, to make it Fall themed (like Enya's album cover) to celebrate the release of her album. Or do a special art piece or something.... But I have a couple of killler papers I NEED to complete, which erases any possibility of me doing anything special....
The least I can do is this: ENYA RULES!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOH!
Have a good one everyone, and BUY her album!
You know what? I serious don't understand a thing of what you're saying! What has offensive remarks got to do with Enya?
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