This is the Official Blog of SKOOKUM! the online manga. In this blog you'll find news, blogs and all kinds of strange information relating to SKOOKUM! as well as of its creators.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

111st Street. Guilty Pleasure


I know you guys haven't heard from me for a while, well, the truth is that I have been bogged down with all kinds of Things. Things include studying, working, and receiving friends from Japan and Solomon Islands respectively. Some people like life to be quiet and normal, I guess I like life to be intense, and I do mean very intense. I know that sometime life wears me down and there are times I feel like throwing in the towel altogether, but I definitel prefer a Busy life compared to a Bored life...

Of course, knowing me despite me getting caught up in all the things stated above, I always have time for TV. Yes, television! I am such a TV junkie. A literary education should supposedly make on HATE TV more than anything else. Besides, what's on TV other than commercials and propaganda? I know books are capable to conveying truth better than TV can, but, the one thing TV is able to give me something, I feel most books are unable to. And that is Guilty Pleasure.

As the name sounds, gulity pleasure is a pleasure one gets out of things and yet at the same time feeling guilty for getting that sense of pleasure. Human beings are FULL of inherent contradictions and I haven't known anyone who isn't contradictory in some way. Yeah, I LOVE TV shows, and feel guilty that I buy into their mindless humor and stuff - yet I can't take myself away from it!

In addition to Desperate Housewives, The OC, Lost, One Tree Hill, C.S.I, Grey's Anatomy, The Amazing Race, American Idol and The Apprentice, I am in love with the Amanda Show! God help me! Yes, I am in love with one of the LAMEST show on earth! Amanda is a moron! She's a stupid as it gets, yet it is precisely 'CAUSE her jokes are so lame to contrived that I love it! How is this possible? I don't know! It's crazy but I can't tear myself away from the Amanda show! Save me! Someone kill Amanda now! Naw! Only Joking! Where else am I gonna get my guilty Pleasure other than from Amanda?

Amanda Please! (You'll get the joke if you've watched The Amanda Show!)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I Love the Arabic Script!

ديد طبيعتي:

I love the Arabic Script.

In fact, I am in love with all the major languages in the world, and for me, one of the most fascinating lanuage is Arabic. There is something mystical and artistic about the writing that always inspires me to want to know more about how this language works! In case you're wondering what it says, get an online translator!

بيابان لوت گرم ترين نقطه دنيا هست .دانشمندان معتقد هستند بيابان ها و كوير ها در قديم اقيانوس بودند.در كوه هاي كرمان فسيل ماهي پيدا شده.طبيعت بي نهايت وحشي و خوفناك و زيبايي داشت.غروب اش بي نظير بود.سكوت اش آرامش بخش.تا چشم كار مي كرد كلوت بود و ماسه.صداي باد كه ماسه ها رو تكون مي داد.صداي ماسه ها كه زير پات به حركت در مي اومد.در اين منطقه هيچ نوع باكتري وجود نداره و چيزي تجزيه نمي شه.نخلستان های زیبا و سبز,سبزی وسط کویر
ديد فرهنگي اجتماعي:
دويست نفر بوديم كه توي مدرسه شبانه روزي بهمون جا داده بودند.تو هر اتاق دوازده نفر بوديم.شش تا حموم داشتيم و ده تا توالت.من و مهشيد تصميم گرفتيم كه تو حياط مدرسه تو كيسه خواب هايمان بخوابيم و مي شه گفت عاقلانه ترين كار روكريدم.ولي كسايي كه كيسه خواب داشتند و نيومدند تمام مدت نق مي زدند كه جاشون گرم و كثيف و پر سرو صداست.هميشه واسه من سوال هست كه چرا آدم ها بايد اين قدر نسبت به خودشون تنبل و بي اهميت باشند و چرا نبايد به نياز هاشون احترام بزارند و ازون بدتر تنبلي خودشون رو گردن كساي ديگر بندازند؟همه ما ادعاي فرهنگي بودن و مودب بودن داريم ولي خدانكنه كمي در تنگنا باشيم همه عين حيوانات وحشي به هم مي پريم.به خاطر تحمل نكردن مدتي در صف حموم هر كاري مي كنيم.
و حركات بعضي از خانم ها كه وسط بيابون خدا زير آفتاب گرم درحالي كه دارن عرق مي كنند تافت موشون رو (كه نمي دونم چه جوري حمل اش مي كنند )در ميارن و موهاشون رو درست مي كنند.يا تو كوله اي كه اگه تنها وسايل ضروري رو بزاري پر مي شه سشوار و بي گودي ميارن ولي درعوض چيزهاي واجب رو نمي آورند و هميشه خدا آويزون پسرها مي شن والبته آقايون هم از خداشونه كه ناز بكشند!اگه اين ها بخشي از زنانه گي هست خدا يا شكرت كه من ندارم.يه چيز ديگه.ديد ما نسبت واقعيت واقعا اشتباه هست .وقتي اعلام مي شه امكانات محلي يعني قد دهات از اون جا انتظار داشته باش نه قدر يه هتل شش ستاره تو دوبي!بابا جان اومديم ماجراجويي
ديد سياسي:
ايران ما همي چيز داره.از نظر طبيعت تمام انواع آب و هوا رو داره.از نظر معادن ,تنوع اش عاليه.از نظر ميوه جات و مركبات كه خدا بده بركت همه چيز به قول خارجي ها اورگانيك هست.از نظر هنر كه نگو و نپرس.و و و و.ايران ما خيلي زيباس.خيلي خيلي.هرجايي از ايران بري نوع خاص همون منطقه فرهنگ,طبيعت,هنرو معادن داريم.با اين كه اين كشور در مقايسه با ايالات متحده خيلي كوچك تر هست ولي مي تونه با اون در اين عرصه ها رقابت كنه.امـــــــــــــــــا!!!!چيزي كه ايران ما نداره ساكنان قدرشناس,با شعور,فهميده و دلسوز هست.واقعا ما به اين خاك چقدر بدهكاريم!چقدر در حق اش ناجوان مرد بوديم و چقدر به اين خاك اهانت كريم!دلمون خوشه كه هروقت كشوري به ما اهانت مي كنه راه مي افتيم تو سايت ها و ميزان راي گيري رو تغيير مي ديم!همين!؟داريم همون كاري رو كه طالبان با مجسمه هاي باميان كرد مي كنيم.تنها فرق اش اينه كه اونا با يك بمب ظرف مدت كوتاهي آثارشون رو تخريب كرندن ما آهسته آهسته وبا خشونت بي اهميتي داريم آثارمون رو به گند مي كشيم
سپاس نامه:
اول از همه از مهشيد جونم تشكر كنم كه باعث و باني اين سفر خوب شد.دوم از تور كلوت كه واقعا مديريت عالي داشت وخيلي داره زحمت مي كشه كه مردم ايرن,طبيعت ايران رو بيش تر بشناسند.و شعار قشنگشون كه "بگذاريم در طبيعت چيزي به جز رد پاهيامان نماند"را كاملا اجرايي مي كنند.سوم هم از دست اندر كاراني كه وسايل من رو آماده كردند ممنونم مثل سعيد,ياشا,مامان مهشيد و علي

Saturday, March 04, 2006

110th Street. Can A Vampire and A Werewolf have Sex? Ever?

I have just watched "Underworld:Evolution."

It was not a fantastic movie, but I watched it for 2 reasons, one, I did enjoy the first movie, "Underworld" and I'm a huge werewolf fan. What was really upsetting about Underworld:Evolution is that it is not so much a movie about Werewolves VS Vampires, rather, it is really more like a very fast-paced, noisy lesson in evolutionary biology. The director is simply obsessed with inter-species sex!

And it goes like this:
[ "+" here symbolizes sex or any act that involves mutual shooting of DNA.]

Vampire + Vampire = Vampire.

Werewolf + Werewolf = Werewolf (I think)

Werewolf + Human = Human.

Vampire + Human = Human

Vampire (bites) Human = Death

Werewolf (bites) Human = Werewolf.

Werewolf + Vampire = Hybrid???

Werewolf (bites) Vampire = Death

Vampire (bites) Werewolf = Pain

Vampire + Werewolf (bites) Human = Hybrid of Vampire and Werewolf

Hybrid + Vampire = ???

Hybrid + Werewolf = ???

This list goes on. No, I am not dissing the director for dealing with this rather difficult topic, and I am glad he attempted to make a movie on this. But the movie misses the point! The last GOOD movie that dealt with the problem of Vampires and Werewolves is "Van Helsing" starring Hugh Jackman in the title role. Underworld:Evolution is simply a movie that is too concerned with the politics of sex that it forgets what the Werewolf and the Vampire stand for!

Vampires, in my opnion, represents the Rich, the cultured and basically is an allegory for the Cruel Upper Class in society. They have money, awesome technology, drink red wine and basically collects antiques. Werewolves represent the Poor, the Sexually Strong, Rough, Rude and Uncultured, and they are basically an allegory for the Lower Working Class. They live in poor conditions, and rely on their teeth and claws to get what they want. They represent the REPRESSED aspect of society - Everyone wants to be more cultured, richer and more sophisticated these days, and they begin to despise everything that is remotely animalistic or carnal or hairy which is what the Werewolf has come to represent.

This Upper Class Oppression and Lower Class Resistance is, to me at least, a good material to work with, and yet, the director chooses to focus on the really odd sex life of these supernatural beings, which is weird for me to start with... Clearly, like most movies these days, Underworld:Evolution goes for Style not Substance. Everyone in the movie, even the werewolves have a distinct way of walking! Put all of them on a runway with any Top Models you can find and you won't be able to tell the difference. Which, is cool in one way, but also disappointing as well.